Welcome to the
DWCA Condo Association

As a member of the DWCA, you are part of a vibrant community dedicated to the upkeep and maintenance of the building, as well as enhancing the living experience of all residents. Here, you can find information about ongoing maintenance projects, special renovations, and other news related to the building. Our mission is to create a welcoming and comfortable environment for all residents to call home. We encourage you to participate in association meetings and other events to make the most out of your membership. Thank you for being a part of the DWCA community.


An area to record our Board Meetings and general meetings minutes.


Current member of the association and basic info, phone and email address.


Ongoing projects, proposed improvements, and other concerns about the building.


Our bylaws or condo association declaration in PDF form.


Any happenings in the building, like new tenants etc.


Handyman information, the laundry room info etc.

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